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UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
Research Projects @ HPCF

This page contains a list of projects that are using or have used the HPCF. We have another page that provides publications from these projects. See this page for a list of projects that have used kali.

Project Title Principal Investigator Information
Parallel Simulations of the Linear Boltzmann Equation for Models in Microelectronics Manufacturing Matthias K. Gobbert, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Numerical Simulation of Calcium Waves in Human Heart Cells Matthias K. Gobbert, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
A Statistical Comparison of Small-Scale Features in Simulated Tropical Cyclones and High-Resolution Observational Data Lynn Sparling, Department of Physics link
Analysis of Extra-Tropical Hurricane Transition using the Lagrangian Frame Lynn Sparling, Department of Physics link
Computational Model of Cellular Adhesion in Bulk Flow Charles Eggleton, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Simulating Cell Deformation with Optical Forces using the Immersed Boundary Method Charles Eggleton, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Visualization of Early Washington DC Dan Bailey, Imaging Research Center and Department of Visual Arts link
A Parallel Two-Scale Solution Algorithm for the Elastic Wave Equation Susan Minkoff, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Distributed Principal Direction Divisive Partitioning Jacob Kogan, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Atmospheric Remote Sensing L. Larrabee Strow, Department of Physics and Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology link
Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis Matthew Baker, Department of Geography and Environmental Systems link
Rendering Massive Models Marc Olano, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Parallel Computing for Clustering of Large Datasets Matthias K. Gobbert, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Applied Machine Learning Research for Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Marie desJardins, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Modeling Optical Systems Curtis R. Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Analysis of Promoter Regions with Soft-Computing Techniques Ivan Erill, Department of Biological Sciences link
Stein's Method in High Dimensional Classification and Applications Do-Hwan Park, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Computational Modeling of a ROTADE Sensor Susan Minkoff, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
The Radio to TeV Synchrotron and Inverse Compton Emission from Extragalactic Relativistic Jets Markos Georganopoulos, Department of Physics link
Compliant Mechanisms Design Haijun Su, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
A Density-Functional Theory Calculation of Copper Lattice Electronic Structure Markos Georganopoulos, Department of Physics link
Evaluation of Groundwater Flowpaths, Fluxes, and Stores in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Using a Fully Distributed Coupled Hydrologic Model Claire Welty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and CUERE link
Quantifying the Effect of Physical and Geochemical Heterogeneity on Virus and Nitrate Transport in Aquifers Claire Welty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and CUERE link
Modeling Carrier Transport of Quantum Cacade Lasers Curtis R. Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Numerical Studies of the Effect of Buffer composition on the pH Gradient Shape Douglas D. Frey, Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering link
Study of Brain Function Tulay Adali, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Schooling, Fertility, and Married Female Labor Supply: What Role for Health? Christelle Viauroux, Department of Economics link
Allosteric Inhibition of Hepatitis C Viral Polymerase Ian F. Thorpe, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry link
In silico screening of library of CNS bioavailable compounds to identify potential Aβ toxicity inhibitors Theresa Good, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering link
In silico kinetic model of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mariajose Castellanos, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering link
Dynamic Coupling of the Water Cycle with Patterns of Urban Growth Claire Welty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and CUERE link
Retrieving dust heights using AIRS Sergio DeSouza-Machado, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology/Department of Physics link
UMBC Atmospheric Lidar Group Raymond Hoff, Department of Physics link
Vibration and Stability of Distributed Structural Systems Weidong Zhu, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Electromagnetics modeling and simulation for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy John Zweck, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Skill Bootstrapping Marie desJardins, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Retrieval of aerosol microphysical properties from extinction and backscatter measurements from multiwavelength Raman Lidar Raymond Hoff, Department of Physics link
Anti-reflective surfaces for mid-IR optical fibers Curtis R. Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Toward a better understanding of the vertical structure of marine boundary layer clouds using MODIS observations and large eddy simulation models Zhibo Zhang, Department of Physics link
Using Computer Vision to Create 3D Forest Models from Thousands of Aerial Photos Erle C. Ellis, Department of Geography and Environmental Systems link
Color Differencing Structural Similarity Index Metric (CD-SSIM) Marc Olano, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Improved Ice and Mixed-Phase Precipitation Models for Combined Radar-Radiometer Retrieval Algorithm Applications William S. Olson, Department of Physics/JCET link
Algae as a source of biofuels Ian F. Thorpe, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry link
Damage Detection and Health Monitoring of Structures Panos G. Charalambides, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Resilience and Scalability Modeling for Exascale Computing using Nonlinear Optimization techniques Milton Halem, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Modeling and Optimization of Fiber Modelocked Lasers Curtis Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Molecular modeling of effects of phosphorylation on proteins Lasse Lindahl, Department of Biological Sciences link
Collaborative Research, WSC-Category 2: Regional Climate Variability and Patterns of Urban Development - Impacts on the Urban Water Cycle and Nutrient Export Claire Welty, Department of Environmental Engineering and Director of CUERE link
Testing Species Tree Inference Methods Kevin Omland, Department of Biological Sciences link
Multivariate Time-Series Analysis of Physiological and Clinical Marie desJardins, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Modeling High-Current Photodetectors Curtis Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Using IDL to run ozone models for PHYS 731 Raymond Hoff, Department of Physics link
Visualizating Allosteric Inhibition of the Hepatitis C Virus RNA Polymerase Penny Rheingans, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP5 Multi-Model Climate Information Amita Mehta, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology link
Improving estimates of CO emissions from biomass burning using FRP and its applicability to atmospheric models Lynn Sparling, Department of Physics link
Average Causal Effect Estimation Allowing Covariate Measurement Error Yi Huang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Sustaining Anonymity of Critical Nodes in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks Mohamed Younis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Evaluating Accumulo as a Distributed Semantic Web Triple Store Tim Finin, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
High-Throughput Cell Mechanical Property Testing for Label-Free Assaying Charles Eggleton, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements of Aerosol and Cloud Properties J. Vanderlei Martins, Physics Department and JCET link
Structural Logic Design Soobum Lee, Department of Mechanical Engineering link
Dynamic Link Prediction Marie desJardins, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Comparing drug dissolution profiles: proposals based on tolerance intervals Yi Huang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Designing and Simulating THz Waveguide Devices using Finite Element Techniques L. Michael Hayden, Professor, Department of Physics link
Highly Parallel Numerical Solution of Fourth Order Partial Differential Equations in 7 or more dimensions, with visualization of solution Dr. Jon Squire, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department link
Developing force field parameters for small molecule inhibitors of HCV polymerase Ian F. Thorpe, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry link
Testing a computational model of biological neural networks James T. Lo, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UMBC link
Performance and Effectiveness of Urban Green Infrastructure: Maximizing Benefits at the Subwatershed Scale through Measurement, Modeling, and Community-Based Implementation Claire Welty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and CUERE link
Algorithm Characterization and Implementation for Large Volume, High Resolution Multichannel Electroencephalography Data in Seizure Detection Tinoosh Mohsenin, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Estimation of VARMA models Anindya Roy, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Parallel WDM Simulator with dual Polarization Curtis Menyuk, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering link
Computation of Shape Restricted Smoothing Splines Jinglai Shen, Department of Mathematics and Statistics link
Particle Beam Therapy John Eley, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine link
Prompt Gamma Imaging During Proton Beam Radiotherapy Jerimy Polf, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine link
GPU-based real-time 4D Patient Dose Reconstruction for Radiation Therapy Treatment Validation Mu-Han Lin, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine link
Design and Implementation of a Fine-Grained Appliance Energy Profiling System for Green Building Nirmalya Roy, Department of Information Systems link
Change detection in evolving communication networks Vandana Janeja, Department of Information Systems link
Big Data Analytics for high dimensional and heterogeneous datasets Vandana Janeja, Department of Information Systems link
Heats of Formation of Organic Compounds and Calculational Quantum Chemistry Joel F. Liebman, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry link
Graphical Analysis of Electronic Medical Records Aryya Gangopadhyay, Department of Information Systems link
∗ UMBC is assumed as the hosting institution of the PI, unless otherwise mentioned