UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
How to run GDL programs on maya
On this page we'll see how to run a GDL program on the cluster.
GDL stands for
"GNU Data Language", and is an open source alternative to
Before proceeding, make sure you've read the
How To Run tutorial.
A simple Hello World script
The following Hello World program demonstrates how to run a GDL program on
We'll also make a main program:
The job is very quick, so we can run it interactively on the front-end node
to make sure things are working
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$ gdl
GDL - GNU Data Language, Version 0.9
For basic information type HELP,/INFO
'GDL_STARTUP'/'IDL_STARTUP' environment variables both not set.
No startup file read.
GDL> main
% Compiled module: MAIN.
% Compiled module: SAYHELLO.
*** ctrl-d to quit ***
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$
We'll create a batch script to run the program on a compute node
#SBATCH --job-name=sayhello
#SBATCH --output=slurm.out
#SBATCH --error=slurm.err
#SBATCH --partition=develop
echo "main" | gdl
Now we can submit our job to the scheduler
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$ sbatch run.slurm
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$
Eventually the job will complete. When it does, it will create slurm.out and
slurm.err files with the following output:
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$ cat slurm.err
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$ cat slurm.out
% Compiled module: MAIN.
% Compiled module: SAYHELLO.
[araim1@maya-usr1 sayhello-gdl]$