[araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ export CNC_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6 [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ module load tbb [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ module load intel-cnc [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ $CNC_INSTALL_DIR/bin/intel64/cncvars.sh
[araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ cnc Intel(R) Concurrent Collections for C++ Translator, Prototype Edition version 0.6.0 Copyright(C) 2007-2010 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. (0): error: No input file specified [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$
// Declarations // The tag values <int tagvalue>; // The return values [unsigned threadid <int>]; [unsigned hostid <int>]; // Step prescription <tagvalue> :: (compute); // Step execution (compute) -> [threadid]; (compute) -> [hostid]; // Input from the environment: initialize all tags env -> <tagvalue>; // Output to the environment is the collection of fvalues [threadid] -> env; [hostid] -> env; <tagvalue> -> env;
ARCH := intel64 M_UNAME := $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(M_UNAME), i686) ARCH := ia32 endif SOURCES := main.cpp TARGETS := hello CNCFILE := hello.cnc DEST_OBJS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) GEN_HEADER=$(CNCFILE:.cnc=.h) HINTSFILE := hello_codinghints.txt OPT := -O2 all: main main: $(DEST_OBJS) $(CXX) -o $(TARGETS) $(DEST_OBJS) -L$(CNC_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/$(ARCH) -lcnc -ltbb -ltbbmalloc %.o: %.cpp $(GEN_HEADER) $(CXX) -c -I$(CNC_INSTALL_DIR)/include $(OPT) -o $@ $< $(GEN_HEADER): $(CNCFILE) $(CNC_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/$(ARCH)/cnc $(CNCFILE) clean: rm -f $(TARGETS) $(DEST_OBJS) $(GEN_HEADER) $(HINTSFILE)
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=cnc_multithread #SBATCH --output=slurm.out #SBATCH --error=slurm.err #SBATCH --partition=develop ./hello 16 8
[araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ ls hello.cnc main.cpp Makefile run.slurm [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ make /usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6/bin/intel64/cnc hello.cnc Intel(R) Concurrent Collections for C++ Translator, Prototype Edition version 0.6.0 Copyright(C) 2007-2010 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. g++ -c -I/usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6/include -O2 -o main.o main.cpp g++ -o hello main.o -L/usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6/lib/intel64 -lcnc -ltbb -ltbbmalloc [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ ls hello hello.cnc hello_codinghints.txt hello.h main.cpp main.o Makefile run.slurm [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$
[araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ ./hello Usage ./hello <numJobs> [numThreads] [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ sbatch run.slurm Submitted batch job 102935 [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ cat slurm.err [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$ cat slurm.out CnC process started on host n1 with N = 16 Setting number of threads per host to 8 Size of ctx.tagvalue tag collection is 16 Tag j threadid hostid 001 0 357384752 000 002 3 357384752 000 003 6 357384752 000 004 9 357384752 000 005 12 357384752 000 006 15 357384752 000 007 2 357384752 000 008 5 357384752 000 009 8 357384752 000 010 11 357384752 000 011 14 357384752 000 012 1 357384752 000 013 4 357384752 000 014 7 357384752 000 015 10 357384752 000 016 13 357384752 000 total elapsed sec = 0.00 [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_multithread]$
struct my_tuner : public CnC::default_tuner<int, hello_context> { int pass_on(const int& tag, hello_context& ctx) const { int np = atoi( getenv("CNC_SOCKET_HOST") ); return tag % np + 1; } };
CnC::dist_cnc_init<hello_context> _dinit;
#include <cnc/cnc.h>
#include <cnc/dist_cnc.h>
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=cnc_dist #SBATCH --output=slurm.out #SBATCH --error=slurm.err #SBATCH --partition=batch #SBATCH --nodes=4 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive # User should set this, and hopefully everything else will work CMD="./hello 64 8" # ----------------------------------------- export CNC_SOCKET_HOST=$SLURM_NPROCS export CNC_SOCKETS_START_CLIENTS_IN_ORDER=1 export CNC_SOCKET_HOST_EXECUTABLE=$CMD # Start the master process in the background # Split stdout to a logfile "master.log"; we need to search # this logfile to find the connection string for the clients $CMD 2>&1 | tee master.log & # Give the master a moment to write out the connection string # Is there a more robust way to do this? sleep 1 # Use gawk to read the logfile - the first line should contain the # connection string in the 7th field contactString=$(gawk '(NR==1) { print $7 }' master.log) # Now launch the clients using srun # The number of clients we scheduled should be available in SLURM_NPROCS for (( i=1; i<=${SLURM_NPROCS}; i++ )) do export CNC_SOCKET_CLIENT=$contactString export CNC_SOCKET_CLIENT_ID=$i export CNC_CLIENTS=SOCKET # Notice that we also need to run the clients in the background # The master will wait until we spawned off CNC_SOCKET_HOST of these clients # before it can begin any actual work printf "Starting client %03d with SOCKETs: %s\n" $i $CNC_SOCKET_CLIENT srun -N1 -n1 --distribution=cyclic $CMD & done wait
[araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_dist]$ make g++ -c -I/usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6/include -O2 -o main.o main.cpp g++ -o hello main.o -L/usr/cluster/intel-cnc/0.6/lib/intel64 -lcnc -ltbb -ltbbmalloc [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_dist]$ sbatch run.slurm Submitted batch job 102937 [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_dist]$ cat slurm.err [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_dist]$ cat slurm.out start clients manually with contact string: 0:1025_111@ Starting client 001 with SOCKETs: 0:1025_111@ Starting client 002 with SOCKETs: 0:1025_111@ Starting client 003 with SOCKETs: 0:1025_111@ Starting client 004 with SOCKETs: 0:1025_111@ --> established socket connection 1, 3 still missing ... --> established socket connection 2, 2 still missing ... --> established socket connection 4, 1 still missing ... --> established all socket connections to the host. --> establishing client connections to client 1 ... done --> establishing client connections to client 2 ... done --> establishing client connections to client 3 ... done CnC process started on host n3 with N = 64 Setting number of threads per host to 8 Size of ctx.tagvalue tag collection is 64 Tag j threadid hostid 001 0 1110051136 003 002 55 1110051136 003 003 42 1097333056 006 004 29 1768096304 003 005 16 1093925184 004 006 3 1093617984 005 ... 063 26 1093925184 004 064 13 1119131968 005 total elapsed sec = 0.00 [araim1@tara-fe1 hello_cnc_dist]$