UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
Improved Ice and Mixed-Phase Precipitation Models for
Combined Radar-Radiometer Retrieval Algorithm Applications
William S. Olson, JCET/Department of Physics
Benjamin Johnson, JCET/Department of Physics
Lijun Diao, Department of Physics
In the GPM era, Bayesian algorithms for estimating precipitation
distributions from spaceborne passive microwave radiometer observations
are expected to provide estimates that are reasonably accurate and
practical for many applications in climate analysis and
hydrometeorological modeling/prediction. These algorithms rely heavily
on large supporting databases of precipitation vertical profiles that
serve as candidate solution profiles in the Bayesian estimation
framework. In recent years, the supporting databases of precipitation
profiles have been derived "empirically", based upon high-resolution
spaceborne radar observations in combination with collocated passive
microwave radiometer data. In this case, physically-based descriptions,
or models, of cloud/precipitation vertical profiles are fit to the
combined radar-radiometer observations, and these best-fit vertical
profile models can then be used to simulate upwelling brightness
temperatures at any particular radiometer channel frequencies and
polarizations, thereby establishing the
relationships between precipitation vertical profiles and microwave
brightness temperatures. It follows that the accuracy of radiometer-only
precipitation estimates is dependent upon the accuracy of the
cloud/precipitation vertical profile models utilized in the combined
radar-radiometer algorithms. At higher latitudes in particular, it will
be important to properly model the extinction and scattering properties
of ice and mixed-phase precipitation, as these constituents typically
occupy a greater proportion of the total vertical column of
precipitation at higher latitudes. The objectives of the proposed
investigation are (a) to develop realistic descriptions of the microwave
single-scattering properties of ice and mixed-phase precipitation that
are consistent with radar/radiometer observations over a range of
frequencies (6 - 200 GHz), (b) to incorporate the ice/mixed-phase
precipitation descriptions into vertical profile models and test these
models against airborne radar/radiometer and in situ observations from
field campaigns, and (c) to provide tested, modular versions of the
vertical profile models to the satellite algorithm
developers for radar-only and radar-radiometer algorithm applications.
Modeling of ice- and mixed-phase precipitation will be based on
realistic descriptions of particle size distributions, particle
densities/geometries, liquid fractions and the relative populations of
different particle geometries, drawn from field campaign data. A
thermodynamic model for melting precipitation will describe the
transition from ice to rain in stratiform precipitation regions. Based
upon these ice/mixed-phase particle descriptions, single-scattering
properties will be calculated using discrete dipole approximation
software. The descriptions of the precipitation particles and their
single-scattering properties will be incorporated into vertical profile
models that will be tested using an ensemble filtering inversion method,
which can be used to identify models that are consistent/inconsistent
with field observations and quantify the impact of model uncertainties
on estimated precipitation profiles. Vertical profile models consistent
with the field observations will be used to create computationally-efficient
model versions that
will be tested in a satellite combined radar-radiometer algorithm and
distributed to the precipitation algorithm development teams. The impact
of the proposed investigation will be improved combined radar-radiometer
estimates of precipitation profiles, especially at higher latitudes, and
greater accuracy of radiometer-only algorithms that are supported by
these profile estimates. The proposed work is, in effect, a
continuation and extension of studies by the principal investigator in
support of TRMM/GPM facility algorithm development and should lead to a
better quantification of critical components of the Earth's water and
energy cycles.