
  author = {Robert Forder},
  title = {A parallel simulation of the evolution of transcription
           factor binding sites},
  number = {HPCF--2011--1},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/ForderMath627.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Amanda Peterson},
  title = {Parameter Estimation for the {D}irichlet-Multinomial
  number = {HPCF--2011--2},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/PetersonMath627.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Alex~C. Szatmary and Charles~D. Eggleton},
  title = {Elastic capsule deformation in general irrotational linear flows},
  journal = {Fluid Dynamics Research},
  volume = 44,
  number = 5,
  url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1873-7005/44/i=5/a=055503},
  year = 2012,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {F. Jacobsen and K.E. Omland},
  title = {Species tree inference in a recent radiation of
           orioles (genus Icterus): multiple markers and
           methods reveal cytonuclear discordance in the
           northern oriole group},
  year = 2011,
  journal = {Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution},
  volume = 61,
  pages = {460--469},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S105579031100306X}
  author = {Tesfa, T. and D.~G. Tarboton and D.~W. Watson and K.~A.Schreuders
            and M.~E. Baker and R.~M. Wallace},
  title = {Extraction of hydrological proximity measures from DEMs
           using parallel processing},
  journal = {Environmental Modeling and Software},
  year = 2011,
  volume = 26,
  number = 12,
  pages = {1696--1709},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815211001794}
  author = {Weller, D.~E. and M.~E. Baker and T.~E. Jordan},
  title = {Empirical tests for effects of riparian buffers
           on watershed nitrate discharges},
  journal = {Ecological Applications},
  volume = 21,
  number = 5,
  pages = {1679--1695},
  year = 2011
  author = {Hafez Tari and H.-J. Su and J.D. Hauenstein},
  title = {Classification and complete solution of the kinetostatics of a
           compliant {S}tewart-{G}ough platform},
  journal = {Mechanism and Machine Theory},
  volume = {49},
  pages = {177--186},
  year = {2012},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094114X11002059},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {R.~S. King and M.~E. Baker and P.~F. Kazyak and D.~E. Weller},
  title = {How novel is too novel? Stream community thresholds at
           exceptionally low levels of catchment urbanization},
  journal = {Ecological Applications},
  year = 2011,
  pages = {1659--1678},
  volume = 21,
  number = 5,
  doi = {10.1890/10-1357.1}
  author = {Joseph Cornish and Robert Forder and
            Ivan Erill and Matthias K. Gobbert},
  title = {Simulation of the Evolution of Information Content in
           Transcription Factor Binding Sites
           Using a Parallelized Genetic Algorithm},
  number = {HPCF--2011--9},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/CornishForderTR2011.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Matthew Brewster and Matthias K. Gobbert},
  title = {A Comparative Evaluation of
           {M}atlab, {O}ctave, {F}ree{M}at, and {S}cilab on Tara},
  number = {HPCF--2011--10},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/BrewsterGobbertTR2011.pdf},
  webnotes = {Files for download with this report:
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Samantha Allen and Dorothy Kirlew and Neil Obetz and Derek Wade and
            April Albertine and Nagaraj K. Neerchal and Martin Klein},
  title = {Assessment of Simple and Alternative Bayesian Ranking Methods
           Utilizing Parallel Computing},
  number = {HPCF--2011--11},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://www.umbc.edu/hpcreu/2011/projects/team1.html},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/REU2011Team1.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Jeremy Bejarano and Koushiki Bose and Tyler Brannan and
            Anita Thomas and Kofi Adragni and Nagaraj K. Neerchal and
            George Ostrouchov},
  title = {Sampling within k-Means Algorithm to Cluster Large Datasets},
  number = {HPCF--2011--12},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://www.umbc.edu/hpcreu/2011/projects/team2.html},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/REU2011Team2.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Andrew Coates and Alexey Ilchenko and
            Matthias K. Gobbert and Nagaraj K. Neerchal and
            Patrick O'Neill and Ivan Erill},
  title = {Optimization of Computations Used in Information Theory
           Applied to Base Pair Analysis},
  number = {HPCF--2011--13},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://www.umbc.edu/hpcreu/2011/projects/team3.html},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/REU2011Team3.pdf},
  webnotes = {Files for download with this report:
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Richard Adjogah and Randal Mckissack and Ekene Sibeudu and
            Andrew M. Raim and Matthias K. Gobbert and Loring Craymer},
  title = {Intel {C}oncurrent {C}ollections as a Method for Parallel Programming},
  number = {HPCF--2011--14},
  institution = {UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://www.umbc.edu/hpcreu/2011/projects/team4.html},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/REU2011Team4.pdf},
  webnotes = {Files for download with this report:
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Samuel Trahan},
  title = {\emph{Multi-Scale Analysis of Observations of Tropical Cyclones
           with Applications to High-Resolution Hurricane Modeling}},
  howpublished = {Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics,
                  University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Samuel Trahan and Lynn Sparling},
  title = {An Analysis of {NCEP} Tropical Cyclone Vitals and Potential Effects
           on Forecasting Models},
  journal = {Weather and Forecasting},
  volume = 27,
  pages = {744--756},
  year = 2012,
  url = {http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/WAF-D-11-00063.1},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {Mattie K.~B. Whitmore},
  title = {Modeling and Simulation of Groundwater Flow and
    Contaminant Transport in a Cross-Section of the Delmarva Peninsula},
  howpublished = {M.S.~Thesis,
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
    University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  year = 2011
  author = {David~W. Trott and Matthias~K. Gobbert},
  title = {Finite Element Convergence for Time-Dependent {PDE}s with a
           Point Source in {COMSOL}~4.2},
  editor = {Yeswanth Rao},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {COMSOL} Conference 2011, Boston, MA},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/TrottGobbertCOMSOL2011.pdf},
  url = {http://www.comsol.com/papers/10736/},
  year = 2011
  author = {Mattie K.~B. Whitmore and David~W. Trott and
            Bradford~E. Peercy and Matthew~E. Baker and Matthias~K. Gobbert},
  title = {{COMSOL} Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
           in Two-Dimensional Geometries With Heterogeneities},
  editor = {Yeswanth Rao},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {COMSOL} Conference 2011, Boston, MA},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/WhitmoreEtAlCOMSOL2011.pdf},
  year = 2011
  author = {N. Petra and J. Zweck and S.~E. Minkoff and A.~A. Kosterev
            and J.~H.~Doty~III},
  title = {Modeling and Design Optimization of a Resonant
           Optothermoacoustic Trace Gas Sensor},
  journal = {SIAM J. Applied Mathematics},
  volume = 71,
  pages = {309--332},
  url = {http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/100807181},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  year = 2011
  author = {N. Petra and J. Zweck and S.~E. Minkoff and A.~A. Kosterev
            and J.~H.~Doty~III},
  title = {Validation of a Model of a Resonant Optothermoacoustic Trace
           Gas Sensor},
  booktitle = {Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  year = 2011
  author = {J. Zweck and C.~R. Menyuk},
  title = {A Chromatic Dispersion Estimation Method for Arbitrary
           Modulation Formats},
  booktitle = {Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  year = 2011
  author = {Andrei Draganescu},
  title = {Multigrid Preconditioning of Linear Systems for
           Semismooth {N}ewton Methods Applied to Optimization Problems
           Constrained by Smoothing Operators},
  journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
  note = {Submitted. (HPCF machines used: tara)},
  year = 2011
  author = {V.~K. Gupta and C.~D. Eggleton},
  title = {A theoretical method to determine unstressed off-rate from
           multiple bond rupture force spectroscopy},
  journal = {J. Chemical Physics},
  note = {Submitted. (HPCF machines used: tara)},
  year = 2011
  author = {M. A. Talukder and C. R. Menyuk},
  title = {Temperature-dependent coherent carrier transport in quantum
           cascade lasers},
  journal = {New J. Phys.},
  volume = 13,
  pages = 083027,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/PAJ231.pdf},
  url = {http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/13/8/083027/},
  year = 2011
  author = {Michael Curtis},
  title = {A Collaborative Filtering Model:
           Statistical Properties of Alternating Least Squares},
  journal = {{UMBC} {R}eview: Journal of Undergraduate Research and
          Creative Works},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  volume = 13,
  pages = {10--21},
  year = 2012,
  preprint = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/CurtisUMBCReview2011.pdf}
  author = {Thomas~I. Seidman and Matthias~K. Gobbert and David~W. Trott
            and Martin Kru\v{z}\'{\i}k},
  title = {Finite Element Approximation for Time-Dependent
           Diffusion with Measure-Valued Source},
  journal = {Numer.\ Math.},
  volume = 122,
  number = 4,
  pages = {709--723},
  year = {2012},
  preprint = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/Measure_NumerMath2011.pdf},
  url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00211-012-0474-8?null},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {R. Chris Wilson},
  title = {\emph{Multivariate Retrieval of Carbon Monoxide}},
  howpublished = {Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics,
                  University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  pdf = {http://userpages.umbc.edu/~gobbert/papers/WilsonThesis2011.pdf},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {J.~H.Lowry and M.~E. Baker and R.~D. Ramsey},
  title = {Determinants of urban tree canopy in residential neighborhoods:
           household characteristics, urban form, and the geophysical
  journal = {Urban Ecosystems},
  year = 2011,
  pages = {1--20},
  doi = {10.1007/s11252-011-0185-4}
  author = {R.~S. King and M.~E. Baker},
  title = {An alternative view of ecological community thresholds and
           appropriate analyses for their detection: comment},
  journal = {Ecological Applications},
  year = 2011,
  pages = {2833--2839},
  doi = {10.1890/10-0882.1}
  author = {P. Budy and M. Baker and S.~K. Dahle},
  title = {Predicting fish growth potential and identifying water quality
           constraints: a spatially-explicit bioenergetics approach},
  journal = {Environmental Management},
  year = 2011,
  pages = {691--709},
  volume = 48,
  number = 4,
  doi = {10.1007/s00267-011-9717-1}
  title = {Hyperspectral Earth Observation from {IASI}: five years of
  author = {Hilton, F. and Armante, R. and August, T. and Barnet, C.
            and Bouchard, A.
            and Camy-Peyret, C. and Capelle, V. and Clarisse, L.
            and Clerbaux, C
            and Coheue, P. and Collard, A. and Crevoisier, C. and Dufour, G.
            and Edwards, D. and Faijan, F. and Fourrie, N. and Gambacorta, A.
            and Goldberg, M. and Guidard, V. and Hurtmans, D.
            and Illingworth, S.
            and Jacquinet-Husson, N. and Kerzenmacher, T. and Klaes, D.
            and Lavanant, L. and Masiello, G. and Matricardi, M. and McNally, A.
            and Newman, S. and Pavelin, E. and Payan, S. and Pequignot, E.
            and Peyridieu, S. and Phulpin, T. and Remedios, J.
            and Schlussel, P.
            and Serio, C. and Strow, L. and Stubenrauch, C. and Taylor, J.
            and Tobin, D. and Wolf, W. and Zhou, D.},
  journal = {Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.},
  volume = 93,
  issue = 3,
  pages = {347--370},
  url = {http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00027.1},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)},
  year = 2012
  title = {Satellite- and ground-based {CO} total column observations over 2010
           Russian fires: accuracy of top-down estimates based on thermal {IR}
           satellite data},
  author = {Yurganov, L.~N. and Rakitin, V. and Dzhola, A. and August, T.
            and Fokeeva, E. and George, M. and Gorchakov, G.
            and Grechko, E. and Hannon, S. and Karpov, A. and Ott, L.
            and Semutnikova, E. and Shumsky, R. and Strow, L.},
  journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry \& Physics},
  pages = {7925--7942},
  volume = 11,
  year = 2011,
  url = {http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/7925/2011/},
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  title = {Global Land Surface Emissivity Retrieved From Satellite
           Ultraspectral {IR} Measurements},
  author = {Zhou, D.~K. and Larar, A.~M. and Liu, X. and Smith, W.~L.
            and Strow, L.~L. and Yang, P. and Schlussel, P. and Calbet, X.},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
  volume = 49,
  pages = {1277--1290},
  year = 2011,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  title = {Simulating the radiative and polarization characteristics of
           drizzling warm clouds using {LES} and {3-D} radiative transfer
  author = {Zhibo Zhang and Steven Platnick and Andrew Ackerman
            and Graham Feingold and Toshi Matsui and Laurent C-Labonnote
            and Cornet and Jerome Riedi},
  booktitle = {AGU Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco},
  year = 2011,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {D. Wicks Kollonige},
  title = {\emph{The Impact of Upper Tropospheric Dynamics on Surface
           Air Quality of the {U}nited {S}tates}},
  howpublished = {Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics,
                  University of Maryland, Baltimore County},
  year = 2011,
  note = {(HPCF machines used: tara.)}
  author = {V.~K. Gupta and C.~D. Eggleton},
  title = {Effect of cell and microvillus mechanics on the transmission
           of applied loads to single bonds in dynamic force spectroscopy},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. E.},
  volume = 84,
  number = 1,
  year = 2011