pro testplot ; Generate a thousand numbers from 0 to 2*pi: zero_to_2pi=indgen(1001)/500.0*!pi ; Calculate the sine of each of the list of numbers: sine=sin(zero_to_2pi) ; Tell imopen to open a portable network graphics ("png") file "test.png": imopen,'png',fn='test' ; The 'png' tells imopen the file format. The fn='test' tells imopen the ; file's basename -- the portion of the filename that comes before the last '.' ; Later, when you call imclose, imclose will generate the file "test.png". ; It makes that filename by appending a "." and the name of the file format ; ("png") to the end of your file's basename ("test" from fn='test'). ; Plot sin(x) with x=0..2*pi: plot,zero_to_2pi,sine ; Tell imclose to copy everything we plotted between imopen and ; imclose to the test.png file and close that file: imclose end